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Senior Manager, Global Product Commercialization
Nonya is a Senior Manager for Global Product Commercialization at Indeed. She has a background in launching early products, including launching new ad products at eBay, leading innovation at TD Bank and consulting startups on customer strategy. Outside of work, she is a leadership workshop facilitator who creates interactive games for team building and communication, using her background in business leadership and improv comedy. She has been a Business and Innovation professor at Thomas Jefferson University and Self Expression and Leadership coach for Landmark Education. She completed her MBA in Management at The Wharton School of Business.
25 April 2024 12:00 - 12:30
Collaborating with UX to improve your GTM
A great GTM is dependent on a strong customer strategy, however, most GTM teams do not collaborate with the team members who research and guide the customer experience that we launch. By collaborating with UX, GTM teams can get customer insights earlier that are most pivotal to your GTM strategy. In this workshop, you will learn: - How collaborating with UX can enhance your GTM - UX tools and insights that you can leverage to refine your GTM strategies - Ways to collaborate with UX that help you get to product market fit faster

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