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Founder & Chief Customer Officer
Jan Young is an award-winning Customer Success leader who has transformed CS leaders into award-winning executive team leaders. She has served as VP of Client Services for two successfully exited startups. Since 2016, Jan Young has been coaching and advising founders, startups, and Customer Success leaders on increasing revenue, go-to-market alignment, and customer advocacy. Jan excels in addressing the prevalent challenge of Go-To-Market alignment faced by companies and leaders in today's dynamic business landscape. Jan specializes in breaking down organizational silos, guiding leaders to identify their North Star, and constructing a strategic roadmap for success that is tied to the success of the customer.
24 April 2024 15:00 - 15:30
Re-thinking how you go to market to survive and thrive in our shifting economics
It was a great ride, but the investor bubble is over. Shifting from Growth at Any Cost to Profitable Enduring Growth isn't easy. However, it's possible to survive and thrive if you're open to rethinking how you go to market. Join this session if you're a Founder, or a leader in Marketing, Sales, Customer Success or Product-- and you're challenged by acquiring, keeping, or growing your customers.

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